American Claims
Management, Inc.
Nov. 1, 2023 announcement: Exciting changes are coming to ACM!
Read about it here.
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Focused on innovative claims solutions, ACM is a third party administrator with a team of expert professionals. Our teams are dedicated to providing superior service and claims handling with integrity. We promote employee satisfaction and security by providing growth opportunities. Benefits for our clients include utilizing cutting-edge technology to achieve exceptional cost effective outcomes.

ACM is a results-driven claims administrator. Our extensive experience in working with program managers had enabled us to focus on obtaining favorable claims results, ultimately saving our clients significant money.

From claims investigation to Insuretech and our 60-person information technology team, and from health care expertise to long-term adjuster experience, ACM’s team is not only knowledgeable, but they’ve worked together at ACM for a decade or more.

ACM uses a state-of-the-art claims platform tailored to our clients’ specific needs. We’re incorporating AI and machine learning to streamline claims resolution, resulting in speedier – and more favorable outcomes for our clients.

ACM employs a team of professional investigative specialists via its subsidiary Investigation Solutions, Inc. (ISI). ISI handles all investigations, suspected fraud filings and regulatory reports, with a significant record of wins.

Pricing transparency is integral to our business. We’re looking for long-term, win-win relationships with our clients, not short-term, one-and-done projects. ACM is fast-moving, maneuvering, mobile, innovative, almost able to turn on a dime.